Dr. Moses Alagbe

 We have been providing Theological and Ministry training to believers in and around Amsterdam since 1995. Many of our graduates are now in different ministries in and outside The Netherlands.

ABA is affiliated to Global university Springfield, Missouri in USA. Degrees and Diplomas awarded by ABA is recognized world wide. Click for more information. All our study materials, diplomas and degrees are from The Global university Springfield. If your desire is to know Christ and to make Him Known you are welcome. We will be glad to have you study with us.


Board Members

Wemer – Gaander, Lydia Gerda (Voorzitter)
Jointly authorized (with other director(s),

Roelofsma, Peter Heliodorus Maurice Philomon (member)
Jointly authorized (with other director(s),

Amonoo-Neizer, Letitia (Secretaris)
Jointly authorized (with other director(s),

Ngotho, Philip Karanja Kenneth (Penningmeester)
Jointly authorized (with other director(s),

Ogbuli, Francis Osondu (member)
Jointly authorized (with other director(s),